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Rick's Cleaners

iOS App

During the "Great Texas Snowstorm" of 2021 where I was snowed in (literally) for a week, I decided I wished I had an app for my favorite local dry cleaners, Rick's. They do an amazing job! And with 15 locations, how could I make the customer experience even smoother and better? 


I definitely wished they had curbside delivery and I also wanted a better text messaging notification to let me know when my order was ready.


  • "Hmm, what if I just could notify them when I was on my way? Instead of purchasing beforehand in their store, what if I could just pay on the app?"


Based upon my own experience as the user, I used this as an exercise to build a product that would meet my needs (and assuming other users as well).


I solved these problems and more with a beautifully designed concept app. 

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